0812-1517-0500 vyntech@yahoo.com


The current business environment faces a variety of business risk factors that are very different from a few decades ago. Risks arise due to uncertainty. Uncertainty can be classified into economic uncertainty, natural uncertainty, and humanitarian uncertainty. The company will be threatened to resign if it fails to manage its business risks. There are many examples of failures in risk management that lead to business liquidation or liquidation. The failure of many companies in managing foreign exchange risk during the monetary crisis has resulted in many companies being forced to undergo a process of restructuring, changing owners, or even bankruptcy.


Several strategies can be used in dealing with risks, including avoiding the risk, reducing the negative effects of the risk, transferring the risk to other parties, and accommodating some or all of the consequences of a particular risk. Traditional risk management only focuses on risks caused by physical or legal causes (such as natural disasters, fires, lawsuits, etc.). The goal of implementing risk management is to reduce the different risks associated with the chosen field.



After this training, participants are expected to:

    1. Understand the importance of risk management, especially in business development.
    2. Identify the existence and causes of the emergence of risk in business development efforts.
    3. Participants understand the method used in identifying analyzing risk
    4. Participants can handle and control the risks that arise, as well as efforts to fund risks
    5. Participants understand in broad outline how to mitigate risk



    1. Understanding of Risk and Risk Assessment
      • Definition of Risk
      • Relationship between Risk and Achievement of Strategic, Operational and Project Targets
      • Strategic Risk Assessment
      • Operational Risk Management
      • Understanding Risks in Business Processes
      • Project Risk Management
      • Risk Tolerance (Appetite), Residual Risk, Exposure
    1. COSO Enterprise Risk Management Integrated Framework
      • ERM Definition
      • Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Components
      • Example of a company that has implemented COSO ERM
    1. Organization and Risk Management Resources
      • Implementation Steps
      • Functions, Roles and Responsibilities of the Risk Management Unit
      • Relationship between Risk Management Unit, Internal Audit, and Strategic Business Unit (SBU)
      • Risk management infrastructure and resources
    1. Method of Identifying the Existence and Causes of Risk
    2. Steps for Risk Management and Control
    3. Technical Risk Funding
    4. Risk and Probability Measurement Methods
    5. Measurement of Effects
    6. Case Study



This training is intended for:

    1. Staff, Supervisors, Managers from the Strategy Division, Policy Makers or other divisions who need this training
    2. Practitioners, Professionals or anyone who wants to increase their knowledge of Risk Management Strategies.



Presentations, Discussions, Brain Storming, Case Study.



    • Ibis Style Hotel Yogyakarta
    • Gino Feruci Hotel Bandung
    • Sofyan Betawi Menteng Hotel Jakarta
    • Harris Seminyak Hotel Bali
    • In House Training*


The Facility and investment

    • The facility: Hard Copy Material, USB Flash disk, Training Kits, Coffee Break & Lunch, Certificate, Souvenir
    • Investment of Rp. 6.000.000,- (Six million rupiah) per participants



    • Using the Zoom Application
    • The facility: Hard & Soft Copy File, USB Flashdisk, Training Kits, Certificate, Souvenir
    • Investment of Rp 4.000.000,- (four million rupiah) per participants


*For more information, please contact customer service

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