0812-1517-0500 vyntech@yahoo.com


The vast mining area, different land contours, and weather conditions often cause the implementation of reclamation of ex-mining land to experience constraints that result in the suboptimal achievement of post-mining land reclamation success. Besides being less than optimal, it will also have an impact on increasing the cost of mine reclamation. In its implementation in the field, reclamation technology is not fully understood and or applied. To overcome this, a deep understanding of risk control techniques is needed in the implementation of post-mining land reclamation.



After this training, participants are expected to:

    1. Understand deeply about government regulations regarding the success of mine reclamation
    2. Understanding erosion and sedimentation risk control techniques during the mine reclamation process.


Course Content

  1. ESDM Ministerial Decree No. 07 Of 2014 And Ministry Of Forestry Ministerial Decree No. 60 Of 2011
  2. Soil And Water Conservation
  3. Land Preparation Techniques, Erosion Control And Sedimentation
  4. Know The Types Of Trees And LCC Plants As Erosion Control
  5. Monitoring And Evaluating The Success Of Erosion And Sedimentation Control In The Field
  6. Sharing Practical Experiences In The Application Of Techniques For Handling Erosion And Sedimentation Potential In The Former Mining Area
  7. Case Studies And Discussions.



This training is intended for:

  1. Staff, Supervisors, Managers or above levels of the company
  2. Government Agencies or Professionals who want to add insight on Erosion & Sedimentation Potential Control Techniques in the Former Minerals, Coal & Oil and Gas Mining Areas.



Presentations, Discussions, Brain Storming, Case Study, and Practice.



    • Ibis Style Hotel Yogyakarta
    • Gino Feruci Hotel Bandung
    • Sofyan Betawi Menteng Hotel Jakarta
    • Ibis Style Kuta Circle Hotel Bali
    • In House Training*


The Facility and investment

    • The facility: Hard Copy Material, USB Flash disk, Training Kits, Coffee Break & Lunch, Certificate, Souvenir
    • Investment of Rp. 6.000.000,- (Six million rupiah) per participants



    • Using the Zoom Application
    • The facility: Hard & Soft Copy File, USB Flashdisk, Training Kits, Certificate, Souvenir
    • Investment of 4.000.000,- (four million rupiah) per participants


*For more information, please contact customer service

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