0812-1517-0500 vyntech@yahoo.com

Training Professional Warehouse Management

Deskripsi Fungsi warehouse adalah untuk menjaga dan memelihara barang persediaan untuk dapat memenuhi kebutuhan user dan kebutuhan manajemen. Warehousing merupakan salah satu aktivitas kunci dalam integrated logistic untuk mendukung kelancaran operasi sebuah...

Training Konsep Hubungan Industrial

Deskripsi Pemahaman aspek regulasi terkait pelaksanaan hubungan ketenagakerjaan oleh para pelaku hubungan industrial di Indonesia baik itu Pegawai, Pengusaha maupun unsur Pemerintah. Sosialisasi yang relatif minim dan kesadaran untuk memahami yang masih rendah sering...

Training Best Practice of Product Design & Assembly Method

Descriptions The product design process is the first step in the manufacturing process where most of the production cost is determined in the design process. Good product design will provide several benefits to the company, among others: reduce production costs,...

Training Best Practice of Workload Analysis

Descriptions Along with the rapid development of the business world and the high level of competition, requires the company to pursue operational activities that are productive, effective and efficient. Operational activities that are based on these three things, it...

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