0812-1517-0500 vyntech@yahoo.com

Training Geographic Information System (GIS)

Descriptions According to Murai (1999), Geographic Information Systems (GIS) as an information system used to enter, store, recall, process, analyze and produce geo-referenced data or geospatial data, to support decision making in the planning and management of land...

Training Drone & Survey

Deskripsi  Survey pemetaan mengunakan unit Drone membutuhkan ketepatan pengukuran dan perencanaan awal yang matang untuk menghasilkan data yang baik dan sesuai kaidah fotogrametri, oleh karena itu dibutuhkan personil yang benar – benar memahami unit wahana drone dan...

Training GIS Spatial Modeling

Descriptions Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are information systems that are based on spatial data and represent objects on earth. In GIS itself information technology is a device that helps in storing data, processing data, analyzing data, managing data, and...

Training GIS Remote Sensing

Deskripsi Menurut Murai (1999), GIS sebagai system informasi yang digunakan untuk memasukkan, menyimpan, memanggil kembali, mengolah, menganalisis dan menghasilkan data bereferensi geografis atau data geospatial, untuk mendukung pengambilan keputusan dalam perencanaan...

Training Mapping Techniques & Field Survey

Description Now it has been widely circulated a variety of mapping tools on the market ranging from manual to digital. Many obstacles how to process the data obtained in the field into a map communicative, not about how to use the tool to retrieve data in the field....

Training Best Practice of Photography

Descriptions Photography is an activity or process of producing an art image/photo through light media with a device called a camera with a specific purpose. To produce high-quality images or photos, it is necessary knowledge and skills both on photography. In...

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